Tuesday 1 April 2008

Uncontrolled immigration bad thing, shock

Well, how long before Gordon Brown has another pop at the House of Lords, then? He can’t be pleased by the Lords’ committee suggesting today that maybe unfettered immigration hasn’t been a great idea.

No kidding? Brown and his increasingly remote cohorts should come and try out the real world with the rest of us. Schools where the majority of kids don’t speak English, pressure on health service resources, shortage of housing supply. I suggest he takes a walk around Bethnal Green, or takes a bus from Victoria Coach Station, or tries to get treated in A&E in central London. He might realise that perhaps his policy of letting in all and sundry might not be such a good thing for the majority of us.

And could Broon have less charisma? His comments today on Harriet Harperson’s Peckham flak jacket had to be heard to be believed. Wooden to the point of being a table.

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